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Rings Of Time Book Cover

Rings of Time

Rings of Time is a historical fiction novel using the life of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, 1207-1231, as a recalled past-life of the fictional protagonist, Arrina Sophia Meran. Fantastically wealthy, intelligent, and socially influential as a model, performer, and reformist, Arrina is reunited with her past-life husband, Ludwig the Pious, as Jalen Rose Hill. Set in present-day California, Hungary, Mexico, England, Washington, D.C., and at the start of the Inquisition in the 13th-century Wartburg Castle in Germany, the story reveals the Saint’s passionate life as a healer, princess, and miracle worker. Arrina reconciles the mission from her previous life, which failed to reach the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, with her present-day purpose.

Purpose and Themes of Rings of Time

  • Portray in modern terms the Gnostic myth of Sophia.
  • Illuminate the evolutionary process of the receptive feminine.
  • Illustrate how the return of the feminine could transform the Roman Catholic Church and government’s patriarchal paradigms.
  • Offer alternatives to inquisitional thought forms present in today’s democratic and social structures.
  • Shine light on modern relationships and man’s compulsion to dominate.
  • Show how the union of male and female energies impacts personal and societal growth.
  • Empower the modern reader to embrace personal transformation.

Plot Summary

After opening a workday coordinating a human rights demonstration in Golden Gate Park, Arrina is assaulted and simultaneously discovers an unwanted pregnancy. She travels to Mexico due to the illegal status of abortion in the U.S., but tragically dies on the return flight. In her near-death state, Arrina experiences a full recollection of her past life as Saint Elizabeth, living again as the Duchess of a prominent court of nobles and troubadours in Europe. Her marriage to Ludwig the Pious, Duke of Germany, was intended to place them on the Holy Roman Empire’s throne, but her mission was thwarted by Emperor Frederick II, who assassinated Ludwig in 1227.

Reviving, Arrina realizes her mission extends beyond her lifetime. Hundreds gather at the hospital sensing her awakening, and she invites them to a celebration at the beach. During this event, thousands of Liberty coins appear miraculously, and fifty followers join her at a private retreat near Santa Cruz, where she reunites with Jalen, her past-life husband. Together, they awaken shared memories and bring their followers into a vivid 13th-century vision of a Hungarian castle.

Conflict and Evolution of Arrina’s Mission

In the 13th century, Emperor Frederick II’s assassination of Ludwig marked Elizabeth as the first target of the Inquisition. In the present, Arrina faces similar persecution, with her organization falsely accused and her reputation tarnished by conspiracy and slander. After navigating life-threatening situations, she gains public recognition as a mentor and leader, inspiring millions to take a stand for human rights. Her story ignites a “seamless robe of activism,” a wave of social reform led by those she inspires to transform society.

Culmination at Glastonbury and the Final Reckoning

Arrina and Jalen travel to England, where they receive symbolic gifts, including Elizabeth’s crown, at Glastonbury’s Chalice Well. In the Chalice Well Garden, they witness a shard of wood transform into a radiant Grail, and the legendary sword Excalibur reappears. Back in America, Arrina becomes the lead speaker at a monumental event on the White House lawn. As she speaks, an assassin’s bullet meant for her strikes Jalen. Miraculously, she heals his wound, and, realizing her power, the assassin relinquishes Excalibur. Arrina, Jalen, and their followers walk together to the White House, symbolizing a unification of dualities into a compassionate mission for peace and truth.